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Showing posts with the label Miscellaneous

Brought up your Website's Google Page Speed upto 90+

 Hi Guys, If you are running or developing a website you may encounter low Google page speed, So let's dig deeper into the technical guide of Google Page Speed Insights to ensure a good score. Google defines page speed in two ways: How long it takes to display content above the fold. How long it takes a browser to fully render the page. The tool has two main things: Field Data,” or the performance data Second, it measures your page performance via the Lighthouse API. This is called “Lab Data” Field Data  or  Core  Web Vitals : First Contentful Paint (FCP): The time it takes for the first text or image asset to load. Largest Contentful Paint (LCP): The time it takes for the largest text or image asset to load. First Input Delay (FID): The time it takes for the browser to respond to the user’s first interaction. Cumulative Layout Shift (CLS): This measures any movement of the page in the viewport. Lab Data  : Speed Index:  The time it takes for the conten...

Error: Ensure text remains visible during webfont load [Resolved]

 Hi Guys, If you are running or developing a website you may encounter this error on Google page speed or GtMetrix, We should consider the following approach to get rid of this error. Suggestion 1: Load the fonts from your server, Even if you are using google fonts you should download and host it on your server.   Suggestion 2:  Use the font-display: swap CSS property while implementing custom fonts, this means the system default fonts will be loaded first and then the custom font is visible, hence text will remain visible.