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Showing posts with the label Wordpress

WP: 8. Dynamically show post taxonomies and their data in tab format [Solved]

    Today I ran into a problem, I need to dynamically show post taxonomies and their data in tab format and found this solution. And nonetheless, It's better to fix the thing with some bunch of code rather than uploading one more bulky plugin on your website that will end up making your site heavy. Just follow the steps below and avoid heading up into any malicious or bulky plugin for this particular problem from now on forever. Step 1: Get the taxonomies terms first <?php     $terms = get_terms( array(       'taxonomy' => 'off_plan_categories',       'hide_empty' => true,     ) );     // echo '<pre>';     // print_r($terms);     // die; ?> Step 2:  Execute loop first for tab navigation <nav id="offPlanPropertyTabs" class="offplan-property-type-tabs nav nav-tabs"> <?php foreach($terms as $key => $term): ?>   <button class="nav-item nav-link <?php...

WP: 7. Control Tab on frontend with ACF[Solved]

    Today I ran into a problem, I needed to implement tabs on the front end with ACF dynamically and found this solution. And nonetheless, It's better to fix the thing with some bunch of code rather than uploading one more bulky plugin on your website that will end up making your site heavy. Just follow the steps below and avoid heading up into any malicious or bulky plugin for this particular problem from now on forever. Step 1: Execute loop first for tab navigation <?php $i=1; while(have_rows('data')) : the_row(); ?>   <button class="nav-item nav-link <?php if($i==1){echo "active";}?>" data-bs-toggle="tab" data-bs-target="#tab <?php echo $i;$i++;?> "> <h3 class="s-floorplan__tabs__title"><?php the_sub_field('tab_title'); ?></h3> <p class="s-floorplan__tabs__text"><?php the_sub_field('tab_sub_title'); ?></p>   </button> <?php ...

WP: 6. Related post loop by excluding the current post in single.php

   Today I ran into a problem, I need to implement a related post on the blog detail page and found this solution. And nonetheless, It's better to fix the thing with some bunch of code rather than uploading one more bulky plugin on your website that will end up making your site heavy. Just follow the steps below and avoid heading up into any malicious or bulky plugin for this particular problem from now on forever. Step 1: Get the id of current post in starting of single.php like following <?php $do_not_duplicate = $post->ID; ?> Step 1: Now in your related post query add the following <?php $args = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'posts_per_page' => 3, 'post__not_in'   => array( $do_not_duplicate ), 'order' => 'ASC', ); $related_query = new WP_Query($args);               while ( $related_query->have_posts() ): $related_query->the_post(); ?> Now Cheers !😊

WP: 5. Guide to Implement Next Previous Post Navigation in WP

  Today I ran into a problem, I need to implement to post previous and next navigation and found this solution. And nonetheless, It's better to fix the thing with some bunch of code rather than uploading one more bulky plugin on your website that will end up making your site heavy. Just follow the steps below and avoid heading up into any malicious or bulky plugin for this particular problem from now on forever. Step 1: Go ahead and paste the following code in your active theme's single.php //To return the URL of the previous page, use the following php code: $prev = get_permalink(get_adjacent_post(false,'',false)); //To return the URL of the next page, use the following php code: $next = get_permalink(get_adjacent_post(false,'',true)); //To use them, simply echo the variables $prev and $next where you need them. <a href="<?php echo $prev; ?>">Previous Post</a> and the  <a href="<?php echo $next; ?>">Next Post...

WP: 4. Allow SVG file type support in WP Media Library

Today I ran into a problem, I was unable to upload SVG Image in WordPress Media Library, Although I find the solution via a plugin to sort this out but still give it a try by how We can achieve it by customizing the wordpress backend on your own. And nonetheless, It's better to fix the thing with some bunch of code rather than uploading one more bulky plugin on your website that will end up making your site heavy. Just follow the steps below and avoid yourself heading up into any malicious or bulky plugin for this particular problem from now on for forever. Step 1: Go ahead and paste the following code in your active theme's functions.php //To return the URL of the previous page, use the following php code: $prev = get_permalink(get_adjacent_post(false,'',false)); //To return the URL of the next page, use the following php code:  $next = get_permalink(get_adjacent_post(false,'',true)); //To use them, simply echo the variables $prev and $next where you need them....

WP: 3. Custom Search Results With Search and Filter Pro Plugin In Wordpress

Did you stuck in customizing the Search Results of the Plugin "Search and Filter Pro"? Well, Here is a good news for you I can save you a lot of effort and timing for the research you are going to do on this. Just follow the steps and you are done for the day, It's that easy. Step 1: Download and Install the Plugin "Search and Filter Pro" Step 2: Create a form for the post or custom post by just drag and drop. Step 3: In the Settings box, under the Display Results tab select “Using a Shortcode”  Step3: Once done creating the form, Paste the shortcodes for the form and results on your page or template. Step4: Copy the Full URL of this page from the address bar and paste into the the S&F form, in the Results URL option and update (this can be found in the Display Results tab). Customizing the Results Step1: Override the plugin template by just creating a folder(search-filter)in your current theme. Step2: Make a File(results.php) inside the search-filter folder...

WP: 2. Gravity Form AJAX Submission Not Working?

Facing Issues in AJAX Form Submission with Gravity Form? Are you using Gravity Form in a custom popup and things getting worse, Ya well, I got stuck into the same problem today but was able to overcome the issue by following the steps below hope this will help you as well. Step 1:  Check Out the console if you got some error over there. Step 2:  If you got some gravity form error as follows then continue to read this blog. Uncaught ReferenceError: gformInitSpinner is not defined Step 3: Add the following where you have added you js files in functions.php // gravity_form_enqueue_scripts( $form_id , $ajax ); gravity_form_enqueue_scripts(4, true ); Now Cheers !😊

WP: 1. Merge Woocommerce Orders and Customers

I personally faced this problem and able to turn it around by a lot of efforts and time investment but you can go smoothly on it, So take a deep breath and relax you are at right place where you will got the solution for topic "Merge Woocommerce Orders and Customers Effectively For Free" so let's jump into that quickly. We strongly Recommend to take the backup of your website before actually following the steps below. Steps are as follows we are taking example as Site A to export and Site B to import :-  Export the Customers First From Site A as follows(NO PLUGIN REQUIRED):-  Go to the database of site A and export two tables named(wp_users and wp_usermeta) Import the Customers Into Site B as follows(NO PLUGIN REQUIRED):-  Go to the database of site B and import the tables exported from site A. That's all you are done the all the users are imported successfully. And as suggested you don't need to invest any amount on some sort of plugins go ahead and merge t...