Decision making is the most important aspect of almost all the programming languages. Decision making allows us to run a particular block of code for a particular decision. In python, decision making is performed by the following statements.
If statement
The if statement is used to test a specific condition. If the condition is true, a block of code (if-block) will be executed.
if expression:
- Write a py program to find maximum between two numbers.
- Write a py program to check whether a number is negative, positive or zero.
If-else Statement
It provides the block of the code for the false case of the condition to be checked. If the condition provided in the if statement is false, then the else statement will be executed.
if condition:
#block of statements
#another block of statements (else-block)
- Write a py program to check whether a number is divisible by 5 and 11 or not.
- Write a py program to check whether a number is even or odd.
- Write a py program to check whether a year is leap year or not.
The elif statement
The elif statement enables us to check multiple conditions and execute the specific block of statements depending upon the true condition among them. We can have any number of elif statements in our program depending upon our need.
if expression 1:
# block of statements
elif expression 2:
# block of statements
elif expression 3:
# block of statements
# block of statements
- Write a py program to input any character and check whether it is alphabet, digit or special character.
- Write a py program to input marks of five subjects Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Mathematics and Computer. Calculate percentage and grade:
- Write a py program to input electricity unit charges and calculate total electricity bill:
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